Introducing preferred AdWords API pricing for agencies

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today, we're announcing preferred AdWords API pricing for agencies and developers of search engine marketing (SEM) tools. With preferred pricing, this important group of developers will get free API units based on managed client spend.

As an agency or a developer of SEM tools, you are eligible to apply for preferred pricing if:
We'll start accepting your applications for preferred pricing on May 26, 2010 and will respond with the status of your application starting July 1, 2010.

Along with this change, we have updated the AdWords API terms and conditions and the required minimum functionality (RMF). We've made a couple of changes to the RMF, based on the feedback you shared with us after we first published the RMF.

First, we're clarifying that the RMF does not apply to Internal-only AdWords API Clients. This means that you're not required to implement the RMF features within internal tools that are solely used by employees of your company. Please review the terms and conditions to determine which tools might qualify as Internal-only AdWords API Clients. Second, in this round of updates to the RMF, we are making some features optional. For example, demographic targeting, which was previously a required feature, is now optional.

We hope that the changes we're making with preferred pricing will encourage you to experiment with new strategies, expand the functionality of your tools, and build more comprehensive client campaigns, without worrying about API costs. Please review the preferred pricing web site and the FAQs for more information on the requirements and the application process. If you have questions or feedback on these changes, please don't hesitate to contact your Google representative.

– Shreyas Doshi, Product Manager