API Version 11 Now Available

목요일, 10월 11, 2007

We are happy to announce the release of the AdWords API Version 11 (V11).

V11 introduces several changes to the AdWords API. Below, you'll find the main highlights from this release. For a complete list of V11 changes, please see our release notes.


  • New, flexible report interface: The report interface has changed in v11 to add flexibility to the reports you can schedule. By no longer providing a specific ReportJob object for each report type, the new interface can now expose report updates without requiring a new version release of the API. The new, generalized DefinedReportJob object lets you create a custom report by choosing a report type, aggregation types, and a set of columns.


CustomReportJob has been removed from v11 and replaced by the new, generalized DefinedReportJob, which is more powerful and flexible as it lets you create a custom report by choosing a report type, aggregation types, and a set of columns.


Per our versioning policy, V10 will be supported for four months from today, after which time it will be turned off. Therefore, please make sure that you upgrade to V11 before February 18, 2008.

As with every new version of the AdWords API, we strongly encourage you to review the Release Notes section of the Developer’s Guide to learn more about this version.

UPDATE as of Oct 18, 2007

We apologize for the delay in making v11 available. We just implemented a patch that corrected the issue. You should now be able to access the API. Thank you for your patience.

-- Borana Toska, Product Marketing