API Version 5 (V5) Now Available

화요일, 8월 29, 2006

We are happy to announce the release of the AdWords API Version 5.

Version 5 (V5) introduces four major changes to the AdWords API: improved error reporting, the removal of KeywordService, support for hourly reporting and a new getAccountInfo method. This announcement highlights only the major components of the V5 release. Complete details of all changes are available in our Release Notes.

Improved Error Reporting for Multiple Errors

Based on your feedback, we’ve made some improvements to our error reporting in order to provide greater system clarity and minimize quota impact associated with list operation errors. As you will see in the Release Notes, there are two significant changes:

  • First, we will return all errors detected during an operation (not just the first one encountered). Please note that the behavior of list operations does not change: if there is at least one error, no transaction is performed.
  • Second, we will only charge quota for a number of operations equal to the number of errors (previously you were charged for a number of operations equal to the size of the request). For example if you submit 100 creatives, 3 of them failing validation, you will make a first call, which will return 3 errors, for a cost of 3 x 250 (instead of 100 x 250 in the old system), then a second call with only the 97 creatives that work for a cost of 97 x 250. This makes it desirable to use the List operations (enjoy better throughput), without incurring the quota penalty that the previous semantics generated.

Removal of KeywordService

As announced in our September 20 and April 13 postings, we have removed KeywordService from V5. Therefore, all API applications will need to switch over from KeywordService to CriterionService by October 29, 2006.

Hourly Reporting

We have exposed the hourly reporting functionality currently available in the AdWords web interface (adwords.google.com). Hourly reports provide data about account or campaign performance on an hourly basis across one or more days. You can find more information about hourly reporting at https://adwords.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=40037.

New getAccountInfo Method

We have added a new getAccountInfo method to AccountService. Requesting getAccountInfo will return multiple pieces of account information in a single AccountInfo object, including customer ID (a field not previously accessible via AccountService).


Per our versioning policy, V4 will be supported for two months from today, at which time it will be turned off. Therefore, please make sure that you upgrade to V5 before October 29, 2006.

As with every new version, we strongly urge you to review the Release Notes section of the Developer’s Guide as this posting only covers the major additions to this release.

-- Jon Diorio, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Updated as of Oct 26, 2006
We are going to move the V4 sunset date from October 29 to October 30, since the 29th is a Sunday.