New Support for Site Targeting and CPM Bidding

화요일, 9월 20, 2005

We have exposed new functionality through the API that allows you to take advantage of existing AdWords site targeting and related CPM (cost per thousand) bidding. This new functionality lets advertisers choose individual sites in the Google Content Network where they'd like their ads to appear, and then bid for impressions on a cost per thousand (CPM) basis. To learn more about site-targeted campaigns, please visit the site-targeted campaigns help center.

These new features are implemented in the API by refactoring the KeywordService. In object oriented terminology, a new abstract type Criterion has been created that holds what is common between Keywords and Websites. Criterion has two concrete subclasses: Keyword and Website. The CPM and URL of the targeted site are specified in the new Website structure.

The feature generated three (3) changes to the API:

  • A new CriterionService has been introduced. It defines the Criterion, Keyword and Website types, and operations to manage these two types. This is the service to use if you want to create site targeted campaigns. You can also use it instead of the legacy KeywordService in order to create keyword targeted campaigns. [Please note, while KeywordService is currently still supported, it will be removed in a future release. Therefore, please use CriterionService instead.]
  • KeywordService works as before, but it defines the Criterion type and redefines Keyword as a restriction of Criterion. This will allow backwards compatibility with existing programs using the KeywordService.
  • CampaignService works as before, but defines Criterion in order to be able to define Keyword as a restriction of it.

For more information, please consult the AdWords API Developer’s Guide.

We hope these new features will allow you to create more efficient AdWords campaigns.

--Patrick Chanezon, AdWords API evangelist